Monday, January 05, 2009

Birthiversamas 2008

We celebrate our anniversary, Christmas and Paul’s birthday all within a span of 10 days. We planned on going out for our fourth anniversary and leaving the boys with some friends, but I got a violent case of the stomach flu just the day before, so we decided not to spread the holiday cheer on. Instead, Paul surprised me with St. Louis Bread Co. take-out, which hit the spot. I love their broccoli cheddar soup!
That was ok. We were still looking forward to our trip to Utah, where we’d be able to have a break for a few weeks and spend time with family. The weekend before we were going to leave, Benjamin and Peter were both coughing, and Peter had a pathetic little silent cry. I thought nothing of it. I would just ask the pediatrician at Peter’s 2 month checkup on Monday if she had any tips for traveling with a baby with a cold. But Peter’s well-child checkup was quickly switched to a sick child checkup when the doctor listened to his breathing and told me he had RSV. She said there was no way he could fly to such a high altitude the next day since he was borderline-emergency room bad, and put him on a nebulizer with some albuterol to clear up his tiny airways and help him breathe. Peter immediately relaxed and fell asleep in my arms, sucking the steroids and oxygen in. I felt awful! Here I hadn’t even noticed his heaving chest because I had been keeping him so layered in our chilly house. I hadn’t even picked up on the wheezing because I was so preoccupied with getting everything done before we left home for three weeks. All of our presents had been ordered through Amazon and had been shipped directly to Utah. We had even timed the food perfectly so we wouldn’t have anything gross sitting in our house while we were gone. I was sick about not being able to go, which made me feel like a terrible mom for not worrying more about my sick baby. I needed this break!

After a long afternoon of crying to Paul, fixing our insurance plan to add Peter, running to two different pharmacies, fixing a flat tire (which was frozen on), picking up Peter's prescription and waiting for his nebulizer to be delivered, we packed- just in case. I admittedly didn't have much hope that we would leave the next day as scheduled, even though Paul gave Peter a blessing and many prayers were said in his behalf. But we were blessed with a Christmas miracle when the next day, a different pediatrician looked at him and said Peter was well enough to travel. His breathing was substantially improved, his coloring looked great, he was eating regularly, and his oxygen levels were fine! So we hurried and finished last minute details, and left for Utah. It's been wonderful, and I'll eventually post pictures. We're having a great time and are feeling rejuvenated. It's so nice to be with family again!


Nicole said...

I am so glad Peter is feeling better. RSV is a nasty thing. I am also glad you were able to come see your family for Christmas, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Calley said...

Eeeyikes! Poor little Peter. Thank goodness he didn't have to go to the hospital though. I'm so glad he's feeling better, and better yet that you could go off to Utah. Birthiversamus celebrations for all!

terrah said...

I'm glad you were able to go and that Peter is doing better! It's the pits to have to contemplate changing holiday plans like that. We were so worried about catching out flight to Portland for Christmas, since all the flights the days before were canceled. Luckily we made it! But my brother had to cancel his trip to Utah today because his son had a rsv-related illness... we're still hoping the airlines will be nice and rebook them for next week. Anyway... I'm glad all worked out for you. Happy New Year!

Rebecca said...

Sarah! I'm so sorry to hear you went through all that and that I didn't even know!! I wish I had known so I could have done something. Even if it would have been crying with you or giving you our nebulizer. I'm so glad you got to go on your trip and that Peter is doing better.

Don't feel bad about about not noticing--these things happen, especially when it's not blatantly obvious. Claire wound up on breathing treatments over the break and is still on them. Her cold turned into an "asthmatic cough". I took her in mostly b/c Jeremiah had been sick and had an appt and Claire just started coughing. Turns out Claire was wheezing and I had no idea.

I've also taken Jeremiah in b/c he seems a little off and they tell me his ears are about to explode and didn't I notice? I watched him run around the office not crying, playing and thinking, how am I supposed to know when he acts like that?!

Anyway, point is, we miss things sometimes. So don't feel bad. I'm just so grateful for prayer. Things have a way of working out--like you just happened to have a check up for Peter--so it was caught. I always pray that Heavenly Father will protect my kids and take care of them when I don't notice things. I have had several experiences where I missed something or didn't know something but am convinced Heavenly Father had things happen the way they did so that things turned out ok.

Sorry about the long comment. I just felt so bad for you. I am so glad everything worked out. Enjoy your trip!

alexandra said...

Glad that cute Petie is doing well now. We wish we could have met him. I totally understand about the guilt part. I guess that is part of the territory of being a laid-back mom (I am in that group, too, btw). It is just so hard to tell sometimes whether a cold is more than a cold. And since you had the well-baby visit scheduled so soon already . . . totally understandable. Sounds like you have had a hectic December, and I am glad you were rewarded in the end with a trip to Utah!

Mirien said...

Sarah, you're a great mom. We all miss things. Like Grant's vision was terrible and I had no idea until his kingergarten check-up. No wonder he couldn't read yet or even write very well! And when I took Jillian in for her 2 yr. checkup, I mentioned to the dr. that she had really bad breath (Jill, not the doctor) and was that normal? Turns out she had put a bean or something up her nose and it had been molding and decaying for weeks--the doctor had an awful time extracting it. I recalled that she'd sometimes tell me her nose hurt but I thought she just had a little cold. Those times do wonders for our self-confidence as a mom, don't they?

Anyway, I'm glad Peter is okay--that must have been scary!

Sarah said...

Wow! I'm glad everything turned out okay. We all have moments like that, where we totally miss something or let our kids fall or whatever. You're doing great. Hope you had fun in Utah.

Robert, Melanie and fam said...

What a sad story! I'm glad you had a happy ending though! I know exactly how you feel when you don't realize how sick your little one is. I went through that with Patience when she had croup it was horrible. It sounds like that darn RSV was really bad and most of the kids from Nursery got it. Patience woke up Christmas morning with it too. I'm so glad you got a break and your boys are doing so much better!

Henry Parents said...

I am so glad that Peter is feeling better. I have heard RSV can be horrible. I hope you guys had a great time in Utah, and don't beat yourself up - you are an awesome mom!

Henry still speaks with awe about Benjamin's potty-training prowess. He also refers to Benjamin as his "new friend." It is so funny.

Hope you had a great holiday!

Haily Brian said...

Wow what a week! I am glad you are enjoying your trip even though we miss you around here. I know what you mean about feeling bad I felt really bad about Avery having to be hospitalized. But I know how amazing of a Mother you are so don't feel bad. I miss things all the time. We still want to watch your boys when you get home. Is Paul gone on his trip? When do you guys come back? I love the comment that Benjamin said about salt. He is so cute!

Calley said...

P.S. What is your email address? Email it to me at I'm setting sail today you know!