Thursday, June 09, 2011

Five Years with Benjamin

2 Months

5 Months
10 Months
One Year
Two Years
Three Years
Four Years
I have now been a mother for five years. It's crazy to think about. I'm definitely out of the stage of life where I can call myself a new mother, but I still sometimes see myself that way. Benjamin came into our lives about six months after I graduated from BYU, and during Paul's transition from his Bachelor's program to his Master's. He came on the day his ultrasound predicted he would, and about three days after I felt like he should. I remember his labor well. We had been tending another baby for about eight hours, and when we finally laid down to go to sleep around midnight, the contractions started. I wanted to go natural, and I felt lucky that I was able to. About nine hours later (including one and a half hours of pushing!), he was born. His hair was as red as it is now, and his hands were extraordinarily big for all 8 lb. 8 oz. of him. He was physically very strong, and it wasn't long before we noticed he had a personality to match that strength. From the time he was six months old, all he ever wanted to do was walk holding onto our hands, and by ten months, he was able to walk on his own. He was also potty trained really early, and was interested in reading from the very beginning. He really was born ready to be big.
And nothing has changed since then! I am grateful for my Benjamin, and for the opportunity that I have to be his mother. He has taught me a lot, and continues to help me grow. When I look at my scrawny little five year old, I sometimes miss his baby chub. But I have a feeling the best is yet to come with this one! Happy Birthday to my first born. We sure love you!


Liz said...

Happy birthday, big boy! :-)

Momo Cannon said...

Five years old! We are so grateful for this strong willed growing boy in our lives. I expect great things from him in his life. Love you Benjamin!

Rachel Sorber said...

Happy Birthday, Benjamin! You are a good kid, and I'm anxious to see you soon...

Abigail said...

So happy to celebrate with you! Great picture log, it's funny how they don't REALLY change.

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

Happy birthday, Benjamin! You look tall!