Monday, March 21, 2011

A Dog Party!

This afternoon, Peter and Benjamin were playing outside, when Peter ran in and announced that he wanted to go to a party. I had no idea what he was talking about, so he led me over to the giant holly tree in our front yard, where I could just barely make out a little red shirt- oh, maybe 20 or 30 feet up! I called up to Benjamin (who was still trying to climb higher), that he should probably come down now! He told me that he was climbing to the top of the tree to find the dog party, you know- like the one in "Go, Dog, Go."
It would be pretty cool to find this at the top of a tree! I used to pore over this page as a kid...
Once he climbed down, I told him we should probably not climb that tree anymore, but he just replied, "No, I'm safe. I think the Lord's protecting me!"
True! And apparently He's protecting Peter too, as he did not follow his brother up in pursuit of a dog party!


Momo Cannon said...

That is hilarious! I am surprised that he got up so far. Isn't it a really prickly climb? He looks happy, though!

Rachel Sorber said...

Wow. I'm reminded of your comment a few posts back about not getting freaked out so much by scary things. I'm impressed that he was able to climb so high--that's quite the accomplishment! We don't really have any good climbing trees in our yard here, even though we live in a forest, practically. Honestly, that's ok with me. The few times they've attempted to climb the one sort of climbable tree we have, Lucy had a fall that was pretty scary. Tell Benjamin I'm impressed. And not to make climbing that tree a habit--I prefer him alive.

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

When you said you could see a red shirt up in the tree, I thought it was just a red shirt in as tree, not Benjamin! But there he is! 20 or 30 feet up, eh? Wow! That is the funniest story-- in pursuit of a dog party. Funny boys!

Hi Lowe! said...

holy cow...that is amazing...and hits a little too close to home--maybe that's why Sarah keeps asking to climb trees!!! hahah!
We love that book as well and Sarah and Bonnie love the party page too. When Marc posted all the movie quotes and asked what we quote a lot as well, all I could think of for myself were quotes from "Go, Dog, Go!"

Stacy said...

Oh My Holy Moly. My girls love that book too, and Lily keeps asking if she can climb a tree, but sadly we have only little trees around our house. "And now do you like my hat?"

Becky Lowe said...

The imagination of a child! Did Benjamin really think that's what he'd find up there? What cuties. I remember the holly tree in Vienna was the best climbing tree in the yard after we lost our overgrown honeysuckle bush. We could go right to the top. Maybe your holly tree is the same - very safe, lots of branches, a great view.

alexandra said...

So funny! I read this to Brigham and we had a fun laugh.

Mirien said...

He gets his climbing skills from his Grandma--you can thank her. That's one of my memories of your mom--climbing a tree in your backyard! I can't believe how high Benjamin was!! And we love that book, too. My mom says it reminds her of Grandpa Lowe because he used to read it to Karen and he'd always crack up over the "do you like my hat" pages.

Sarah said...

Oh man! That is one brave kid! Too bad he didn't find his dog party. :)

Marliese said...

Aunt Becky climbing trees is a vivid memory of mine, too! It certainly must run in the least the guts and desire to do it, if not the ability. See what a good influence books are?