Tuesday, January 05, 2010


You know it's cold outside when the cold water pipe in the kitchen doesn't turn on because it's frozen. And you know it's REALLY cold outside when the hot water pipe is frozen too. At least that's how you know at our house.
It's been about a week since we've had cold water out of our kitchen faucet, which isn't a big deal at all. We just keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge. But no hot water means no dishwasher, and that's not cool. We woke up yesterday to find the kitchen faucet completely useless (and I suspect it will be that way for about a week, which is when the temperature is supposedly going to jump above freezing).
Yeah, just had to vent. I will say however, how glad I am that the rest of the plumbing in the house is unaffected by the cold. I'd MUCH rather have hot showers and clean clothes than an immaculate kitchen. I'm also very grateful for indoor heat! Actually, my situation seems downright cushy when I think about how most of the world functions. So I have to carry hot water from the bathroom to the kitchen sink to wash my dishes for a week, big deal. I'd take my problems any day. I'm just really hoping the pipes don't decide to burst...


merathon said...

one of my friends who grew up in canada was just telling me that they let any faucet that was against an exterior wall drip all night long into a bowl and then used that bowl to water plants so they weren't wasting water. it kept the water from freezing in the pipes!

Melanie said...

Ironically that's how we know it's cold too. A couple weeks before Christmas our kitchen pipes (hot and cold) froze twice when the temps. dropped below zero.

I was a very unhappy camper.

However, we were able to thaw them out with a lot of direct heat to the pipes (with a hairdryer and a space heater). We were also advised to leave the water dripping for both your hot and cold overnight and leave your cabinet doors open to allow the heat from your house circulate in there.

Must have worked because it hasn't happened since.

Good luck! I feel your pain.

Marliese said...

That's terrible! I wonder why we haven't been so lucky. It's bitter cold in DSM, too. Good luck with the water thing.

Katie Cannon said...

OH MY! that sounds like a nightmare I hope things improve very quickly! I love you all and Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

Oh man, that's a bummer! Hope it gets fixed soon!