Sunday, July 07, 2013

The Trip

We just got back from our two week vacation to Utah. This has become somewhat of a tradition for us each summer, although we're still figuring out what we want to do more of, how best to make the drive, etc. I have probably close to a thousand pictures, but I'll try to pare it down as best I can in a few posts. We had a great trip!
 Giraffes were eaten...
 ...and the other kids also found ways to stay sane on the 20 hour drive.
 Ninja poses on red rocks happened.... did stories with Grandpa.
 We got to see Michelle, POST mission!
 Lydia met Grandpa...
 ...and uncles and aunts.
 There was princess time....
 ...and sign-making time for a certain missionary...
 My newly returned baby brother wowed us with his authentic Mexican cooking...
...and we even met three Great-Grandmas and one Great-Grandpa.
As always, the BYU indoctrination visit happened.
 We hiked,
 We matched,
and we rested. It was a perfect vacation, and we're missing everyone already!


Marc and Miriam Deru said...

I love this post!! Way to "pare down" the pictures while still telling a fun story. You have such a fun family, we miss you too! Can't wait to see you again soon!

Becky Lowe said...

Your visit to Utah was perfect. I loved having you here and felt we got closer to the kids. It was so fun to see Lydia in person again. Thank you for coming!