Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eight Things I Love About You

In honor of our eighth anniversary, I thought I'd share eight things that I love about my sweetheart, Paul.

1. You're my best friend. There's no one I'd rather be with or talk to. I remember as a teen, wondering how you could possibly just click with someone and never run out of things to talk about. I thought surely you'd get bored eventually. As funny of a thought as that is now, it's something I don't take for granted. I love being with you, and sharing everything that's on my mind with you.

2. You make me want to be a better person. Your generosity, your love of learning, your empathy, and your deep commitment to the gospel all continue to inspire me. I always heard growing up that the person you marry should make you want to be a better person, and that was certainly true while we were dating. I'm just grateful that you're still that person, and that I still find many qualities in you that make me want to stretch myself a little farther.

3. You are adventurous. One of the first things that really attracted me to you (besides the obvious- I thought you were cute), was your interest in living abroad and somehow doing good in the world. Our life in the Midwest has become somewhat monotonous and predictable over the past five years with a mortgage and 3 1/2 kids, but your hunger for adventure keeps life exciting. I loved last year's anniversary, when we explored the City Museum in all its crazy weirdness and just giggled like little kids.

4. You are stable and grounded. I love that even though you often crave adventure, you've always followed the Spirit and learned how to be content. I happen to know how much you like to dream about new job ventures, or new places to live, or even just about "what's next." I know how much you loved life as a bachelor, and the ability to just live in a van if you wanted to. Which is why I'm especially grateful for the sacrifices you've made to put your family first, especially when you really could do anything you set your mind to.

5. You're a wonderful provider. I am so grateful that you've followed the Spirit your entire life and chosen a career that has been such a blessing to our family.  I have always wanted to be a mother and to be home with my children. You've supported that dream and the many others that I've had. I happen to know how much you are valued at work, and couldn't be more proud. I'm grateful for your ability to lead and to relate to all different kinds of people. I'm grateful for your integrity and passion for what you do.

6. You are creative. A lot of people naturally assume that I'm the artist and you're the math brain, but I know better. While I do have a need to create, my ideas generally aren't fresh or original like yours. You're a very gifted writer, a musician, and poet. Even your skills with statistics become a medium for your art as you create better ways of thinking through complex problems.  I'm constantly amazed at your innovative thinking.

7. You make me feel beautiful, which is no small thing. With a prominent birthmark, acne scars, stretch marks and now varicose veins (thanks, Mom! haha), I've always felt somewhat self-conscious about the way I look. I don't know how, but you seem to be able to look past all that and make me feel like a beautiful woman. It certainly gives me hope for old age when I'm sure to go even farther downhill. :)

8.  You're a wonderful father. I can't imagine a better dad for our kids. They all look up to you, and have every reason to. They love playing with you and learning from you and being loved by you in ways I cannot. They see your example as you help me out around the house or serve people outside our home, and I know it makes a huge impression on them. They watch you go to work every day and spend lots of time serving in your church calling, but I know they still feel your great love for them.

Needless to say, I don't feel like I deserve such an incredible guy. I am eternally grateful that eight years ago today I said yes, and even more grateful that he did too. With Paul by my side, I really feel like I can say the best is yet to come! Happy anniversary!


Rachel Sorber said...

What a priceless post. Paul's a wonderful guy, and I am so glad you found him. Happy anniversary!!

Liz said...

You are adorable. What a sweet post. I do take issue with one thing, though: you've always felt self-conscious about your looks? WHY?! You are gorgeous, lady!

Happy anniversary!