Friday, March 23, 2012

Guess Who Came for Dinner?

The SISTER MISSIONARIES (which just so happened to include my very own sister)!!! We had a blast.  And she's awesome. And now you're all jealous. :)
Then, just minutes after this picture was taken, Peter chucked the camera across the room, rendering it completely useless.  Just two days after he ripped the dining room curtain rod off the wall....deep breaths.


Rachel Sorber said...

Oh, yeah, I'm jealous! Boy, how would it be? Kiss that boy for me. I'd take him for an afternoon if I could. We don't even have any curtains. :)

Becky Lowe said...

She looks awfully happy! And lucky Michelle, with Nora on her lap and Benjamin and Peter right there! We are so glad she got to have a taste of family on her mission. Thank you!

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

I heard there was much grinning that evening. :)

I love your mission president and his wife for arranging a meeting for you-- how nice to get a glimpse of "Sister Lowe!"

Marliese said...

Wow! How lucky for you all! Michelle is a super cute missionary. Sorry about your camera. Those are the trying moments that we learn from, right? Maybe?