Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Today I'm Grateful...

Today I'm grateful for health insurance! I finally got the adjusted bill for Benjamin's little run-in with the door, and I was shocked. At first I thought the part we owed was the total amount it cost, until I saw the really big number at the top. Over four thousand dollars! For a few stitches! Wow. I had no idea plastic surgeons made so much. Good thing we only owe roughly seven percent of that, especially now that the baby hospital bills are piling in. Look how nicely it's healing up, though!

1 comment:

Rachel Sorber said...

Ugh. I'm sorry. It's weird here in the UK going to the dr and not paying ANYTHING for ANYTHING--even prescriptions! I'm not sure which I prefer--the US is a lot better care, in my opinion.