Sunday, January 01, 2012

Year in Review

 At the beginning of a new year, it seems pretty natural to reflect back on the previous 365 days (and look forward to the next 366 in this year's case). My "goals" from last year weren't necessarily achieved, but it was a good year nonetheless. I thought it would be fun to look back on the past year, and remember some of the highlights. 

Somehow at the beginning of the year, I decided it would be a good idea to tackle a re-upholstery project. This sad chair was my victim for a few months while I picked it apart, but mostly just hummed and hawed.

In February, Paul, Nora and I flew out to Utah for a weekend, and got to go through the temple with my youngest brother, David. 


We also completed this little Star Wars/Batman flick with the kids for fun. 

In March, we got to have Grandma and Grandpa out to see us. We had lots of fun times together.

Taking a creative break from my reupholstering frustrations, I finished a small portrait of Nora in April. 

We also drove out to nowhere, Kentucky to meet up half way with cousins for a weekend.

Within just a couple of months, Peter gave up his beloved pacifiers and graduated to big boy underpants! 

Our oldest turned FIVE in June. Hard to believe. 

Also in June, I gave up on the first upholstery project, opting for two simpler ones.

In July, we had a marvelous time with my entire family (minus David, who is on a mission) at a cabin in Utah. 

We also spent a while with Paul's family, and celebrated little Nora's first birthday!

In August, Benjamin started kindergarten. It was a big first for us!

 And in September, Peter started Montessori preschool, which he took to like a duck to water.

October was a fun birthday month, when I turned 27 and Peter turned 3. 

Also in October, I was excited to finally finish one of the chairs I started back in June. It was quite the process. And for the record, this project was probably not worth it. I'm sure I could have found a great deal that more than made up for all my time and frustration with these. I guess I have a little too much pride to back down at this point though...

In November, we drove out to Virginia for Paul's brother Mike's wedding. We had a wonderful time, and even got to see some of my family during the trip.

In December, I decided to take another creative break to make some stockings for our family, as well as a few watercolor paintings as gifts. Now that those are out of the way, I should be able to get back to that chair. Any guesses for when that might be done? Hopefully by 2013! :) We also celebrated our annual birthiversamas, which if you don't know by now, is our anniversary, Christmas, and Paul's birthday all crammed into a ten day span. Good times. HAPPY 2012!!!


Hi Lowe! said...

I LOVE the stockings!!! My favorite is the candy cane one. So fun!!! :) Happy New Year!

Liz said...

Quite the busy year! I absolutely loved the Batman movie and Nora's portrait when you made them. You are so flipping talented!

Rachel Sorber said...

What a fun synopsis. It's been a busy year for you, but a good one! It was so fun to chat with you and the boys the other day. Say hi to them for me.