Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Small Miracle

So last Sunday, Nora swallowed my earring. I was getting more and more worried each day when I didn't see it pass, so I finally took her in for an x-ray on Thursday- the same day that Paul gave her a blessing. I was expecting the worst. I was sure they were going to have to operate, that it had likely snagged somewhere in her intestines. I couldn't see a happy ending any way I looked at it. But the x-ray came up completely clean- no earring whatsoever. At first I didn't trust the radiologist, thinking he must have missed it, but had to later conclude that this was a miracle! There is no other explanation that makes sense to me, other than the Lord was completely aware of our needs and blessed us. It might have been small, but it wasn't small at all to me. I know He hears and answers our prayers.


Liz said...

Thank goodness she's okay. That really is a miracle!

Rachel Sorber said...

Wow. Hallelujah. Thanks for sharing--I was a bit worried.

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

What a relief! Oh I'm so glad she's okay.

I love your Benjaminisms and "Peter Says". And in your Easter post, Peter reminds me of Michael a little in the last picture. But Anna thinks Peter is herself. She wants to play with them this summer!

Stacy said...

So good to hear! What a relief!

Becky Lowe said...

Guardian Angels take good care of our little ones. Sounds like Nora is being watched over. We are grateful she's okay!