Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Latest Craze

I'm sure it's a common two-year-old trait to be obsessive about certain things, but I think Benjamin is somewhat of an extreme case. Don't get me wrong. I think his determination and persistence is admirable. He's a sponge. But it can also be a little tiring for me, the one who is usually required to participate in whatever the latest craze may be.

Lately, it's been his games. He would play "Candy Land" all day every day if I let him. He's good about taking turns, and I think he gets the concept of the game, but the way he likes to play goes on forever. It's not so much a linear game for him as it is an eliptical one. He loves to pick up the special candy cards, and especially "Lolly," so while I play the normal way, inching my way to the top, he's going from Grandma Nut to the Gumdrop Monster to the Gingerbread tree, all with equal enthusiasm. And I always "win," not that he cares. Paul's a lot better than I am about making him follow the rules.

Benjamin also loves to play "Memory" with me, and he always wins. It's sad, but I really don't have the memory I used to. He has a new cute Cranium game that we just got out (thanks, Grandma!) called "Hullabaloo." I like it because it makes you move, crawl, spin, stomp, etc. to each space, and teaches kids colors, shapes and animal/instrument/food categories. Oh, and if you're on the winning piece at the end, you get to do a "funky monkey dance." So I really like playing that one with him.

This week, we got "Hi Ho, Cherry-O" and he's a lot more cooperative about following the rules with this one. It teaches counting. I have no idea how many times I've played it in the last two days, but it's not "Candy Land," so I don't care. I'm just enjoying this special time that I have with just me and him, before he's off to school and has no time left for Mommy.

Oh, and Paul sent this to me today. Doesn't he look like he's missing a certain signifigant other? If only...


alexandra said...

I love that it is an eliptical game! So funny. We love Hullabaloo, too, but I have not tried any other with Andrew yet. I probably should. These sound like a lot of fun. You can make Paul get up with the kids every weekend until 2010 to get even with you about Hawaii.

McKenna said...

It's good to hear what games that are fun for kids. You’re such a patient mommy. I hope I can see as much good as you do when I’m in that place!

Momo Cannon said...

Mommies learn patience while their children are learning everything else! Good job, Sarah! By the way, the game I hated most was "Chutes and Ladders." You get almost to the top and "wheeeee" down you go. I hate it!

Rachel Sorber said...

Yeah, Natalie's really into Candyland right now, too. She also enjoys the Pretty Pretty Princess game she got for Christmas, but it's not nearly as riveting as Candyland. I've got to expand our games selection. Candyland's starting to wear on me, as well.

Henry Parents said...

I bought Candy Land for Henry a while ago, but he just wants to have the gingerbread "peoples" congregate and play with each other. I try and get him to go through the motions of the game, but no such luck. We tried Memory last night, and it was a little better. He had to run around the set-up the whole time, he is not much of a sitter, lately.

Sounds like Benjamin has some awesome concentration skills!

Sarah said...

I hate Candyland too! Emma just doesn't totally get it and wants to play by her rules...draw a card and put it on a square of the same color. The other games sound fun. We really need to go get some other ones, so thanks for the ideas.

Also, I am impressed with your phone's picture quality. I wouldn't have guessed if you hadn't told.