Monday, May 04, 2009

A Few Highlights

It feels like I've been absent from the blogosphere for longer than usual, which inevitably means I have a few things to catch up on. We had a fun week, and the boys continue to grow. Peter is starting to wisen up to the ways of Benjamin, and will scream to get my attention before he strikes. Smart kid! But they are also starting to have more fun together. There are some sweet moments where they just giggle and giggle together.
I finally got more laminating sheets, so I made Benjamin a little Blues Clues Notebook, some paw prints, and "Blue" puppy. It's nice to make stuff now and then, even if it's silly things for Benjamin.
Here he is, excited to be looking for clues on his fire engine and fire hat. He never goes anywhere now without his notebook and crayon.
Here's a little glimpse of our thriving strawberry patch. We did Square Foot Gardening last year and really enjoyed it, but realized we were trying to grow too many different crops. This year we're doing more of less, and turned nearly an entire box into a strawberry patch. It's exciting to see all the little white flowers and tiny fruits that are already covering the plants!
The long anticipated Annual Vehicle Fair finally came up this past weekend, so we of course made an appearance. It started right around Peter's bedtime, so he groggily hung out in the stroller while we indulged Benjamin's infatuation with all things mobile.
How could we have missed this?!?

They let the kids "drive" most of the trucks, which is the highlight.

Our basement has been smelling worse and worse over the past few weeks. The Spring rains have been coming in somehow, soaking my little carpeted art room. We brought in a wet vac on Saturday, which is when we really discovered the extent of the damage. So much of my art was ruined and moldy. It was devastating, really. We'll probably have to remove the carpet down there and some of the drywall. We'll also have to figure out how it's coming in and fix the problem. We also have a few cracked windows that need to be fixed and a gaping hole in the drywall where our plumbing issues were last year. Ah, the joys of (old) home ownership...sometimes I wish we were just renting a place. It would make things so much less complicated and less expensive. But then I remember that we're where we're supposed to be, and in an ideal location. We're getting the chance to learn how to take care of a home and yard, which is a real blessing.

On Sunday, Paul's brother Josh, his wife Anne and their baby Adrian stopped through on their way to Utah. We had a wonderful time with them! We miss our families, so we love it when we get to see them, even if it's just an overnight visit. We can't wait for this summer when we get to spend some real time with family.
Adrian and Peter are about 5 months apart. Adrian is adorable!


Nicole said...

I am so sorry about your art. Hopefully you can find the problem soon and it won't be too expensive to fix.

Rachel Sorber said...

Hey, what a tragedy about your art! I'd rip that carpet out in a heartbeat--bare cement is easier to clean after floods, and it's so much more practical in an art room! We painted our art room cement floor with that garage epoxy paint and it's worked out great--easy to clean and really durable. And make sure you don't store any artwork on the floor--it should have air circulation under it and behind it--especially in humid climates!

Anyway, your boys are adorable, as always. Thanks for posting so often--it's so fun to see what you're up to!

Henry Parents said...

Sarah - I am so sorry to hear about your art :( The same thing happened to some of Josh's work from college, it was awful.

The boys are getting so big - genius idea to do the Blue's Clues notebook for Benjamin - it looks like it will be awesome.

Haily Brian said...

Oh, my seriously you have some dang cute pictures of the boys posted. I really think you captured some really cute good moments. They are growing so fast. I too have been absent from the blogging world so it was a lot of fun to catch up on your blog. I cannot believe you just had your first glass of milk!!!! I am glad you like it! I love my cheese!!!!

Rebecca said...

The picture of Benjamin on Paul's shoulder is priceless. I love the expression!! I am very sorry to hear about the leaky basement and your art. That is very depressing. Let us know if we can help in any way!!

alexandra said...

So cute! It will be fun to ahve all the cousins together. I think Andrew and Ben will get along so well.