Saturday, November 09, 2013

Kid Fads

I remember a few bits from third grade. I remember my teacher, Mrs. Isler and her funny, quiet sense of humor. I remember a few of the kids in my class, but probably the most vivid memory I have from that year was the trolls. They were such a weird trendy thing. I remember on my birthday, my friend Jenny gave me a pink haired troll, and I treasured that thing. I kept it in my desk where I could see its bizarre amber colored eyes peeking out at me all day. It didn't matter that every other kid in the class had amassed huge collections of them, I was euphoric to finally be counted among them as an official troll owner.
 I'm reminded of that weird craze because Benjamin seems to be caught up in a similar one. Rainbow Looms that make crocheted rubber band bracelets. Several weeks ago, Benjamin came home with his first bracelet that he'd convinced a friend to give to him. Before long, he had managed to trade up and had gotten several more. He'd undo them when he got home and would weave them into longer strands by hand until he had a necklace.
 Finally he'd earned enough money to buy a loom of his own, and he has been making these things every spare second since. He gets on YouTube and watches tutorial after tutorial, mastering all the weaves.
Yesterday, he refused to wear a coat to school, because it would mess up his display. :) According to Benjamin, there is only one kid in second grade who doesn't have a loom now. And he really wants to get her one for Christmas.
He came home with his favorites, but had traded some of the others with friends. He also managed to come home with $5, which some poor kid had paid for one. I seriously considered whether I should pursue this and talk to the parent, but I ended up letting it go. I think Benjamin and I need to have some chats about curbing that manipulative behavior, but I also feel like these first-hand learning experiences are invaluable. Just glad he's learning something at school! ;)


Jennifer Allen said...

Owen has been into the bracelets as well, just not as much. He bought a small set with a hook at Family Dollar last weekend. He made himself (with just a little help) a few bracelets, and then today he asked me to help him make one for a girl in his class that didn't have one. He was just as excited about he the one he made for his friend as for the ones he's made for himself.

Rachel Sorber said...

That's so funny. Natalie's totally into the bracelet loom craze right now, after our friends in America gave her a starter set. She's the only girl I know who has one, but I will definitely be showing her Benjamin's bracelets--she will want to increase her bracelet weaving design repertoire for sure! I don't mind this craze--it's creative, therapeutic, and relatively inexpensive. Plus, the rubber bands double as hair bands around here! :) Tell Benjamin I think his skills are awesome.