Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School

Today marked Benjamin's first day of school, and the first real pang of sadness about it for me. It was sort of strange, and a little unexpected. Up until this morning I remember nothing but excitement for my kids starting school. Benjamin has always been really confident and ready to leave us, and I'm admittedly more than anxious to have a few hours a day apart.
 This morning as we sat on the bench waiting for the bus, he confessed he was a little nervous about meeting new friends in his class. Maybe it was that, or maybe it's that my little boy is starting SECOND grade.
 Maybe it's because it doesn't seem too long ago when he was small like Nora, or Lydia for that matter! Now he's big enough to help out with both these girls.
 It could be that I feel for Peter, who adamantly did NOT want his brother to start school again, because he would be lonely. Maybe it's because this is the last year I'll only have one child in public school.
I guess it's finally starting to hit me how fleeting time is, and how precious the moments I still have with him are. I guess I'm finally in the club with those weird Moms who cry at the bus stop who I could never understand. Except that I'm crying as I type instead of at the bus stop.

I guess another entirely plausible cause for my heightened emotion could just be plain old exhaustion. I think I'm still recovering from the all-nighter we pulled driving home from Yellowstone in one stretch, plus Lydia's sleep schedule as also been a bit off since we've been home.

Either way- I'll sure miss that boy!


Momo Cannon said...

I am also crying! He looks so tall and grown-up! I love his red shoes -- but they look so Big! I hope he comes home today happy and excited about his new class. Love you all,

Rachel Sorber said...

I completely understand, Sarah. Except I'm flip flopped--I've got 3 in school this year and one at home. REALLY crazy.