Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Big Day

It seems unreal that this moment was four years ago. My Mom stayed home with Benjamin, and I trekked off to the polls with my tiny two-week-old baby in tow.
Paul and I took turns this morning, and were finished by 8:30. It felt nice to walk out of there, feeling like I had done all I could, and saying a little prayer for this great country we live in. I'm not sure how much I'm going to sleep tonight!
The Magic House was having a "voting day" today, so I decided to take my kids. Benjamin had the day off of school anyways, since his school is being used as our district's polling place. The kids had a blast making Uncle Sam hats and flags, then filling out their Voter Identification Cards so that they could cast their votes.

Benjamin went through the whole process like it was old hat. Then he played "big brother" to make sure Peter voted for all the right people too. :)
The kids, all standing by their pick in the "Oval Office." I'm not sure why Nora wasn't wearing her hat in this picture. It was almost as big as she was.
Benjamin had fun playing President for a bit, and took some important phone calls before heading off to the other exhibits.
I'm so grateful for the freedoms we enjoy in this country, and for the process of voting. I love having something bigger than myself to be pulling for, even if the uncertainty of it all drives me a little crazy. Tomorrow, tomorrow...


merathon said...

we early voted about 10 days ago and it felt weird not to be doing anything today to help the process so i went and made calls for two hours to make sure people were getting out and voting! it felt good! it will be a long night...i may just have to stay up till there's a definite call!

Momo Cannon said...

Since the final count..I have been feeling a great sadness for Mitt but mostly for our country. I think we are in for some very difficult times.