Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Benjamin's Expanding Vocabulary

Hey! It worked! Our very first video. Just a couple of weeks ago, Benjamin started saying 2-syllable words, which is a huge advancement from "da," which was his only word (if you can call it that).


Sarah said...

What a cute kid! I love this age when they are just soaking everything in. It's amazing how much they can learn so fast.

Rachel Sorber said...

Cute! I can't believe how much he's growing! I miss him...

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

Way to talk, Benjamin! Sarah, that's awesome. I remember how good it felt when I taught a kid I was nannying for (about Benjamin's age) how to say "More" when he wanted more to eat. When he said the word and I responded with congratulations and Cheerios, it was like a light went on in his head and he loved it. Now Benjamin can say words that mean something! That's pretty much one of the greatest milestones for parents and child, isn't it? :)