Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A few things about Nora

I just wanted to write a few things about Nora before I completely forget. She is like a ray of sunshine in our home. Every night, she makes sure we have "scripture time" and prayers. I think for a while, she was left out of this part of the evening since her bedtime is earlier than the boys. She loves "reading" a verse, where she essentially repeats it back one word at a time. She still resists saying the family prayer, but is often the little echo whenever someone else is saying it. She also instituted a new tradition after family prayers- "fammies hugs," as she calls it.
Nora is adamantly NOT on the potty train, which is strange to me since the boys were already trained by this age. I've tried about everything to get her interested, which is why I've now come to the conclusion that it's best not to do anything. I figure she'll come around when she wants to.
Also, and this is big news, she finally goes to Nursery at church on her own! After about a year and a half (I started when she was 10 months old, now she's 27 mos.), I've finally been released from my calling as the Nursery Leader and am currently enjoying just being between callings. It is a little strange still. I've never been apart from Nora at church, and have only been to Sunday School about twice in the past five years (since I was in Primary before Nursery). I'm now getting reacquainted with everyone and remembering what it's like just to sit and listen to a lesson. It's pretty nice. And it's also wonderful to walk into the Nursery room at the end and see my little girl's face light up as she runs over to me to give me a hug. I had forgotten what that feels like.


Stacy said...

I love your family. I wish we lived closer! Happy Birthday to you and to Peter! Plus, also, that Nora is a doll!

Liz said...

It's nice to feel like a grown-up again, isn't it? Being released from nursery can do that. ;-)

Also, Kylie isn't on the potty-training road either. Boo. Oh well. One day they'll be grown up and gone, so I guess we should just enjoy every minute right now! Love ya!

merathon said...

you are so lucky that your boys were toilet-trained before 27 months... 2 out of my 3 wouldn't have anything to do with the toilet until they were just over or under three!