Sunday, December 09, 2007

This and That

Today is Benjamin's 18 month birthday, and for any LDS person with kids that means NURSERY! I have to admit, I'm a little obsessively attached to the kid...maybe even more than he is to me, so this day brought on mixed feelings. I've actually been going to nursery with him these past several weeks because it was either that or the hall (a kid can only sit through only so much "SHHH!!"-ing and "Be reverent!"). So anyways, I thought he was doing pretty well and didn't care whether I was with him or not, and figured just maybe I could just slip out and leave him today. I was just settling into Sunday School with Paul when I heard wailing in the hall that sounded like Benjamin. Sure enough, the nursery leader had brought him to me, and so I went back with him to nursery. For the remaining two hours or so, I was being closely monitored so I couldn't pull another fast one on him. Any advice, mommy veterans?
So we've also had issues with our kitchen sink over the past month or so, and FINALLY got that resolved! I can't even tell you how nice it is to dump leftover soup down the disposal and turn on then water to wash it down. Small thrills, I know. The chain of events went something like this; we bought a new dishwasher to replace the old one, the first guy couldn't install it because he wasn't a plumber, the plumber couldn't install it because he wasn't an electrician, the electrician fixed the electrical, but couldn't install it because he wasn't a plumber, and finally another plumber installed it. Then, we started noticing the sink was backing up, so Paul decided to fix it himself. After plunging elbow deep in bilge water for a half-hour, our garbage disposal fell off the other side, and it's like a hundred years old and apparently was missing the seal, so we couldn't put it back on. So with the pipes taped off, we could still use one side of the sink (which was still clogged) but not the new dishwasher. So Paul bought a sewer snake to try to knock the blockage out himself. Though the elbow grease he put into working that thing was impressive (he worked for hours) he was getting nowhere. So we called a clog specialist, who reinstalled the broken disposal and told us we'd have to go in through the roof, but that we could rent the machine rather than pay someone $270/hour to do it. Ignoring his advice, we bought a drill to give the snake a little more force. Oh, and we replaced the garbage disposal. When the sink was backing up after just seconds of turning on the faucet, we decided it was time to call Roto-Rooter and it's now FIXED! HOORAY FOR WORKING SINKS!

Benjamin gives Daddy "kisses" by pressing his forehead into his cheek.

We got our first Christmas tree this year (it's our fourth married Christmas!) and decorated it with one inherited strand of lights, a bunch of cheap silver and white ornaments leftover from our wedding decor and a few nicer ones we've acquried over the years. But we think it looks beautiful!
This is what Benjamin does when you ask him what a fish says. Kind of a scary picture.


Sarah said...

I love the fish picture. Kids are funny. I wish I had nursery advice for you, but honestly I'm dreading that the same thing will happen with Emma when she goes to nursery in 3 weeks. I've actually heard that leaving for 5 minutes then coming back, the next time leaving for 10 minutes and then coming back, etc works. Just make sure you tell them where you're going and that you'll be back. Let me know if you find something that works.

Melanie said...

Ah the Nursery woes. I have no advice about this, seriously. We have been trying to get Leah into nursery since August and she is JUST NOW letting us leave her without the tears (hers not ours). All I can say is good luck and be strong.

merathon said...

the only thing that has ever worked for my girls is to let them cry it out. i tell the nursery leader to bring them to me only if they are completely hysterical and puking (i know that sounds drastic). if they come and get me every time they cry, it doesn't take long for the kids to figure out that all they have to do is cry to get out of there! it's not a fun process but it eventually works!

we didn't get a Christmas tree until SEVEN years of marriage, so we've got you beat! it looks beautiful though!

alexandra said...

I love your Christmas tree! YOur house looks beautiful. Andrew makes that same fish face, btw. And as for nursery, I stayed the first few weeks and then I would just tell him that I was going and would be back. He was usually fine. Only a few tearful calls upon Relief Society. :)

Susie and Jay Larson said...

Yea for sinks that work. Our water was turned off for a bit and it sucked! I take so much for granted. I love Benjamin's fishy face too.

Rachel Sorber said...

Oh, yes, the joys of nursery. Natalie struggled for months, and got to the point where even walking BY the nursery room on a day other than Sunday, when no one was even in there, brought on the hysterics. So I just took her to a different nursery (there were 3 in my ward, because of how many kids there are!). That helped, as did going to the Y every day. That was a daily routine where I left her for an hour with a bunch of fun things to do and kids to play with and everything, and I always came back (at first my workouts were all of 30 minutes or so). But honestly, what's helped the most is just age. She grew out of the scared-to-leave-mommy stage and is now begging to go to nursery at 2 and a half. So just be patient. He'll grow up. They all do, unfortunately!

You could also try, if you want, having the nursery leaders over to dinner, so Benjamin gets to know them on his turf and gets to like them. That works, too, sometimes.

Oh, and by the way, we still don't really have a Christmas tree. Maybe next year...

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

YOUR SINK WORKS!!! That's wonderful. Congrats. I'm glad you ignored the "go in through the roof" advice. That would be dumb, especially considering the nice helping of snow you've just receieved.

I see nursery from the go-in-for-brief-music-time-and-then-leave perspective. All I can say is it changes from day to day for every kid, and it's harder for some than others. I don't know, man. Sorry it's been tough and hope it gets better!