Friday, November 09, 2007

Silly Boy...

I just have to say how fun Benjamin is getting. Yeah, he can throw a royal temper tantrum, and he's still a baby in a lot of ways, but he's becoming such a fun little boy! He loves helping me cook in the kitchen, and smelling (putting his mouth on) all the spices. Here he is, tasting the pizza dough and all the other compontents to make sure they're ok before we put it all together.

So the other day, I was in the other room, when I heard Benjamin in the kitchen, gulping something down. Being the good parent that I am, I dashed in, only to find him chugging my soymilk. I couldn't stop laughing. He usually turns down any juice, normal milk, etc. that I give him, and only accepts water. But somehow he'd found his way into the fridge for this special little treat that even I won't drink by the glassful!

Benjamin loves his duck costume, and admiring himself in it in our gi-normous living room mirrors. He doesn't use words yet, but he's got the head shaking thing down pat for any decisions I present him with. On this particular day, all of my reasonable clothing options were rejected with a vigorous head shake, and the duck costume won. But he had a good time playing in the leaves and getting it nice and dirty! Hey, isn't it a good thing if the costume gets more than one night's use?


Sarah said...

I love the costume picture in the leaves. This really is such a fun age. I love seeing Emma become a real person and really seeing her personality and preferences come out.

Susie and Jay Larson said...

So cute! Our babies are growing up! What a funny milk story. James likes sitting in the fridge when he can get away with it.