Thursday, September 19, 2013

Two Wheels!

 I went outside the other night after putting Lydia to bed, hoping to get a picture of Peter, who has just learned how to ride a two-wheeler. Instead, I was greeted by this. For anyone who follows Paul on Instagram (I don't have an account. My phone is too old school for that kind of thing), this sight is all too familiar. At least this time the mud came from actual rain and not the hose...needless to say, story time that night was swallowed up by bath time and the boys cleaning up the whole bathroom, which had gotten very muddy from their encounter with it. Kind of funny the first few times...but now? Not so much.
I guess it was about a week ago that Peter was begging Paul to put the training wheels back on Benjamin's old bike so he could ride it. Instead, Paul went out there with him and gave him a little coaching. One day later, all he needed was a little push to get his momentum going, and the day after that, he was off! He's been riding every spare minute ever since. I love that about Peter. He has no fear, and attacks challenging problems like they're no big deal. He's persistent and doesn't give up easily. He's like that with reading too. He begs me whenever we go to the library to let him pick these giant chapter books (that are more middle school age appropriate), and then reads from them to me, totally unfazed by big words he doesn't know.
 Nora decided it was time to take over the tricycle now that Peter's moved on. She's gotten really good at pedaling.
I love it when the first cool days of Fall come. It always reminds me that I actually do like being outside.


  1. Sweet! I love that picture of the boys all muddy. I can see your point, though--the first time or two are great, then it's just annoying because of the mess it entails.

    And way to go, Peter, with learning to ride a bike! That's awesome!

    You have such great kids, Sarah!

  2. This is why I have girls who don't like getting dirty! ;) You guys are so cute. I love your little family and wish you guys lived out here!

    Anyway, you're welcome to email me with any questions you have. If you want to give me a call, just send me a FB message and I'll send you my phone number. Just let me know!

  3. Go Peter, go Nora!! I love the mud picture!

  4. I love all these pictures! Especially the one of Peter - the lighting is awesome :)

    He's so grown up. It was so fun to get to know your kids a little better while you were here!

  5. All that mud must be exfoliating, right?

