Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Preshool Begins

Yesterday marked Peter and Nora's first day at their new preschool. Peter will go four days a week, and Nora will go two. I love this picture from the morning, as it pretty well summed up the experience.

 Peter wanted me to lay out his first day of school outfit for him. At around 6:30 in the morning, I heard him trying to get his shoes on by himself. He packed his little stuffed moose in his brand new Lego Chima backpack, and was ready to just get there!
 He loves his classroom. There is a cute reading loft and a science corner and a huge bin of Legos. So basically, he's set! He excitedly told me after school  that he got to ride the "best bike in the whole world" on the playground that day. He also told me that it's the funnest preschool in the whole world, even though "everything about it is different" from his last preschool. Clearly, he's not one to exaggerate! :)
 Nora had no trouble leaving me, but we had some differences of opinion about what suitable school clothes looked like. I decided it wasn't a battle worth fighting in the end, and she wore her well-worn, pink open-toed heels over some purple socks. I don't know why I even cared so much. She looked adorable, and she's three.
 Even though I got her a few new things to wear, none of them were appealing on the first day-- not even the Disney Princess backpack that she absolutely had to have at the store. Funny girl. She made sure once she was in the classroom that she got the right dress-ups on, and we parted ways without any drama.
It was a quiet house when we got home, as it was Lydia's nap time. I've had a few grand ideas about what I'll do with all my free time, but in reality, it's just a little over two hours and it will most likely be laundry and dishes. :)


  1. I'm glad you have a quiet house, even if it is only a few hours a week. It is amazing how that time renews and makes you appreciate your little noisemakers even more!

  2. Amen to that! I'm so happy for you. I'm glad they've got a good preschool to go to, and that they are loving it already. And just so you know, Nora is VERY compliant about her clothes. I don't think I even tried to bring up the idea of wearing pants with Lucy for about 18 months of her life. And Emily usually looks like a pink and purple bag lady, with most of her clothes on backwards. The sooner you stop caring, the easier it gets. And Nora couldn't look uncute if she tried. :)

  3. I love this post! Perfectly put, with how things really are. Congrats to Peter for losing his tooth-- he looks so grown up! The picture of Lydia in the chair is adorable. And I really, really want some of that chocolate granola. Way to be a cool mom, Sarah. Your blog is so fun to read.
