Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This past weekend was so fun! Paul's parents, his sisters Katie and Abby, her husband Patrick and their baby, Lincoln all flew out to St. Louis for a few days. Katie was going through the Nauvoo Temple for her first time, and we were lucky to be right along the way so we could join her.
Lydia and Lincoln had a good time getting reacquainted.
We stayed above the Zion's Mercantile store, with a beautiful view of the temple...
...and found some gorgeous and meaningful artwork to take home with us.
"Morning and Evening Star" by Oliver Johnson
I think both will live in our bedroom.
"Chimney Rock" by George Ottinger

The kids remembered various things, like wagons, from our recent study of church history.
Benjamin and Peter posed like the inseparable brothers Hyrum and Joseph Smith.
We soaked up every minute we could with Grandma and Grandpa.
Peter found an old style Book of Mormon that he wanted to buy. He declared that this book is true and that wants to be a missionary!
While everyone attended the session with Katie, I stayed out with the kids. We walked around the temple grounds and took a tour through the visitor center.
We also spent some time in the Family Living Center, where we learned how to make wool thread, linen, rope, candles, rugs and bread.
The sheep is always a favorite for riding on! Later that afternoon, we also visited the blacksmith, the shoemaker, and the printing press.
I wish we had taken more any pictures with our camera of the group. It was a quick trip, which can make me forgetful I guess! Another highlight of the trip for me was an impromptu private tour of the lesser-known sites of Nauvoo with Susan Easton Black (now Durrant), who I believe is the foremost authority on the history of Nauvoo. I learned a lot! For example, did you know that the stones used to build the original temple had unique patterns, which could identify who had cut it? We saw a the old stone quarry and a tiny jailhouse that had been built from some of those original stones. Some were rough and bumpy, others had a crosshatch pattern to them, and some had distinct ridges.
It really was a special time to be together. I am so excited for Katie, who will be reporting as a missionary in just a few more months. She'll sure make a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for quick family trips--made even better by family get togethers! I'm happy for you guys. You make me want to visit Nauvoo...
