Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Peter Crawls!

Sort of.


Mirien said...

Way to go, Peter! That's definitely crawling. Hayley is in no hurry to join you.

The Dahle Family said...

Oh, man, Sarah. I'm busing a gut over those Bejaminisms! I've never noticed those there before, so I read them all, and each one made me laugh harder. Allow me to add my own from today. Elodie took her hair tings out during her nap, and woke up with some exceptional bedhead. I told her she looked like a mad scientist. She said, "No, I'm a happy scientist."

Momo Cannon said...

Hurrah for Peter! By the way, what was he eating? Just curious. Love, Momo

GayLynn said...

So cute! If Jonah ever crawls I'm sure it will look something like this. But I think it will be awhile!

Rebecca said...

Yay! So cute. I miss Peter's giggles and cute noises in primary!