Monday, October 20, 2014

Our Trip

We're back, and I'm feeling so much better about everything. It was so nice (and needed!) to just step away from all of my responsibilities for a few days, and just be in the moment. I would not have taken this trip if it weren't for Paul. He had a business trip to Orlando, and suggested that we join him there. The practical planning side of me would have hesitated too long to make it happen, but Paul emailed me the plane ticket confirmations about a month and a half ago as a surprise. I'm so glad he did.
We had a few days on our own while Paul was attending a conference, so I had to decide what to do with our time. I didn't want to spend too much time in the parks on my own, because it would have been a little overwhelming to have four kids of varying ages and interests. So we went to the beach. It was a bit of a hassle making it happen, but I think the kids really enjoyed themselves, and I did too. I think Benjamin was only a few months old the last time I had a real beach day (where you could actually get in the water). I love the ocean, and I miss it.

The next day, Paul had a half day, so he joined us at Epcot in the afternoon. I spent the morning with the kids there visiting the countries and doing the rides that we could all go on together. Lydia's naps were non-existent on the trip, so she had her moments. ;) But all in all, it worked really well and we had a great time.

 On Friday, Paul had the day off, so we went to Magic Kingdom together. We did smaller rides in the morning, then split up for the rest of the day. I debated all morning if it was worth it to brave the Anna and Elsa line, which fluctuated anywhere between 75 and 120 minutes. That was the one Nora had most wanted a Fast Pass for, but obviously, they weren't available when we started planning our trip last week. (Darn early planners!) We had the perfect window between some of our Fast Passes that allowed time to stand in that line, so I took Lydia and Nora and went for it. It was definitely not the 75 minutes as indicated. We were in line for over two hours, but by the time we realized how long it was going to take, it was too late to turn back. We had come too far! Anyways, the girls were troopers, and it was worth it. When it was our turn to see Elsa, Lydia started cautiously backing away, saying "Cold! Cold! Cold!" She would not go near her. She must understand the movie more than I thought? :) Nora had a nice little chat with Elsa, and a sweet time with Anna as well. Anna told her that she used to wear her hair just like Nora's, and that they were twins because of their red hair. Nora was in heaven.
Lydia was obsessed with these purse things. Everywhere she spotted them, she would gather stacks of them on each arm.
I think her record was eight! :)
The last day we were there, we got her a Minnie one, and "Minnie" became her newest word she now says.
Benjamin was still recovering from whatever he had the previous week. He was coughing and tired and short of breath for a lot of it, but had a great time regardless. Poor kid. It would have been a lot nicer if he'd been feeling himself!
We stayed at the Contemporary Resort (for free, because of the conference). It was so nice!
We headed back on Saturday afternoon. It was a nice, quick trip, but filled with so many fun memories. I let the kids each document some of their favorite parts here. I think they about covered it!


  1. I love how you let your kids document their own perspective on the trip--what a fun idea! It sounds like you had a great getaway, and used your time wisely. I'm amazed you stuck it out for the Elsa and Anna line, though--tough as nails, that's you! I hope they were showing the movie for everyone to pass the time, and handing out Norwegian biscuits... ;)

  2. I only saw Ben's and Nora's. Are there more? I am so glad you got away. Your kids are really into all things Disney, I can tell!

  3. Aww, I haven't seen your blog in way too long! This has been so fun to catch up. Way to go for the last-minute trip! Your kids' versions are priceless. And they look like they're in heaven in some of these shots. Love it. Your family pictures are BEAUTIFUL. So nice to catch up with you here!

  4. How fun! Your kids are so sweet. That Frozen line can take forever, huh? We were lucky to get a FastPass this month when we went to Anaheim, but even then, we had to wait awhile! Nutso.

    Glad you had a happy trip! :-)
