Sunday, September 29, 2013

Half-way to One!

It's hard to believe that my baby girl is already six months old. Lydia has changed so much, and I think I have too. I have adjusted to life with four kids and even feel like I'm coming into my own as a mother.
 I can not get enough of her squishy thighs. I just want to eat them. And I kind of love how they're not symmetrical- she has an extra roll stacked on her right leg. She's going to love me for this picture someday... :)
 She had a reverse mullet going on for a while- large fluffy puffs on top and over her ears and most of the newborn hair rubbed off in the back. I gave her a trim over her ears a few weeks ago, which I think helped. Her hair has really lightened since she was born, and is coming in bright red like Benjamin's. Her eyes are a beautiful, brilliant blue.
Lydia is a bright, active little girl. She sits and entertains herself with toys, and loves watching her siblings play. She still has her signature little shriek to let us know whenever she's excited.
 She now eats one meal with us at dinner, and nurses the rest of the day. She is getting better at feeding herself, and will eat anything you give her.
We sure love our Lydia Jane! She is a joy, and we're grateful for the light she adds to our home.

*Six month stats: weight 19 lbs. 10 oz. (89%), length 25 3/4" (29%), head 17 1/8" (72%).


  1. LOOK AT THOSE ROLLS! Oh my gosh. And she is adorable. The end.

  2. Aww, sweet pictures! What a CHUNK. So I'm curious. What do you mean by "coming into your own" as a mother? That sounds like a wonderful thing-- explain more. I love you.

  3. Lydia is just adorable. Enough said. I'll need to chat with you soon - we're trying to figure out this whole feeding-Abby-real-foods thing since we've kind of started, and we may need some words of advice!
