Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So done...

It's funny how when Paul left a week and a half ago, the thought that ran through my mind was "at least we're all healthy now and all that virus stuff happened while he was still here!"
It's funny how wrong I was to assume we were out of the woods. It was funny how the first Sunday we were getting ready for church and literally heading out the door, Nora grabbed a bucket and threw up in it (bless that girl a)for her timing and b)for using a bucket!). It's funny how that episode lasted a few more hours, then seemed to disappear until Tuesday when she had it all over again.
It's funny how I thought maybe her recurring stomach bug was more related to teething, but then how Benjamin got something (maybe different?!) on Friday night. His kept him (and me) occupied for a good part of the night, cleaning, disinfecting....Funny how I again thought we must be done this time, but then on our Monday holiday, the day started at 6 a.m. with Benjamin throwing up. This strain seemed a bit more serious though, like an actual flu. He was out all day and slept for probably 36 hours straight. Funny how I kept him home from school today "just to play it safe," but then how he got sick again this afternoon. Funny how my empty bed has not been empty at all, with sick children to keep me on hyper alert all day and night. Funny.
Except it's not. I just want Paul to be home. I am so tired of everyone getting sick. But at the very least I do feel abundantly blessed to have been kept healthy myself. Just a few more days!!!
On Saturday, we were having a healthy day, so I registered the kids for a new siblings class at the hospital sort of last minute. Nora and Benjamin really enjoyed it, Peter refused to wear his name tag and stood defiantly in the middle of the room for most of the class. I felt a little out of place there, all alone with three kids. Everyone else had their one child and most had their spouse in attendance with them. I was glad we went though.
 The kids learned how to hold the baby's head with a "muscle arm." We saw a real newborn through the glass in the nursery, which I think was when Peter started to warm up. We saw the recovery rooms and the kids got to move the bed up and down. They learned some new songs and got to put pictures of baby gear up on a felt board.
We've got a calendar count down in their bedroom too, so Peter especially can visualize when the new baby will come and not ask me twenty times a day. Five weeks from today!
So another upside to Benjamin's flu these past few days (I'm trying to stay positive, can you tell!?) has been watching Peter and Nora bond. This has never happened before...him actually letting her into his room? Hugging her in an affectionate way?
Now that Nora uses the potty (nearly accident free!) and playfully interacts with him, he must be seeing her more as his contemporary and less as a baby.
Peter was excited to help get Nora in her jammies tonight so they could be "twins."
Whatever the cause, I am glad that this bonding has finally started to happen. Maybe they're beginning to sense that they'll have a lot in common in another month, sharing the role of middle child. It's a special place to be, as Paul and I both know (he's 3rd of 7 and I'm 4th of 8), and one where you really do need an ally. :)


  1. Ooooh, Sarah. What a time you've had. I'm so sorry. But that last up side you mentioned is a huge upside. Emily and Lucy have begun to run around playing much, much more now, and it is wonderful to see my former little pest to her sisters turn into their playmate and even their friend! Wonderful. She seems like she'd be a fun girl to play with--I'd play with her! ;)

    That siblings class at the hospital is brilliant--I wish I'd had that for my kids! I'm glad you went to that, too.

    And I love the Italian Glop on the table.

    I miss you. Here's to a much better week next week!

  2. Ooooh, Sarah. What a time you've had. I'm so sorry. But that last up side you mentioned is a huge upside. Emily and Lucy have begun to run around playing much, much more now, and it is wonderful to see my former little pest to her sisters turn into their playmate and even their friend! Wonderful. She seems like Nora would be a fun girl to play with--I'd play with her! ;)

    That siblings class at the hospital is brilliant--I wish I'd had that for my kids! I'm glad you went to that, too.

    And I love the Italian Glop on the table.

    I miss you. Here's to a much better week next week!

  3. You deserve. .. something for all of this- a medal seems vastly inadequate. I'll get back to you on it.

    Cheers! Your husband is nearly home!

  4. You know what all this means? You're about to have the easiest, best baby ever. You're getting all the crazy hard stuff out of the way before she gets here! Right?!!

    I am SO sorry and hope you get out of these sicky woods for good... At least for a year. Peter and Nora are very cute together. :)

  5. You are dealing with this husband-being-gone thing SO much better than I am! I salute you, warrior woman! :-) I hope everyone's really on the mend and that you get some rest and really yummy food and some kind of congressional medal of honor SOON. You are amazing, and those kids are seriously lucky to have you. Hang in there! At the very least, you are a shining example for me. :-)

  6. Rough week. Being a Mommy is a tough job. Bless your heart for doing it alone! I am delighted to hear that Peter and Nora are friends. I didn't know Peter was so excited for the baby - asking 20 times a day? Funny.
