Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Peter: 15 Months

As a disclaimer, this post is mainly for Grandparents and personal nostalgia, since I don't want to forget some of the funny things Peter does these days. He is a busy, and very stealth little boy. He likes to push these little chairs over to the drawers and empty the silverware and cooking utensils all over the floor. He's also been known to climb up on the kitchen chairs and onto the table before getting caught. He likes to "smell" the spices. Bay leaves are pretty harmless, right? :) (Oh, so do you like our "insulation" over the kitchen door? It's an old quilt we hung to keep the cold air from streaming in. Nice, huh?)
He also loves mixing things. We first noticed this quirky behavior over the Christmas break at a Chili's restaurant. We got him macaroni and cheese and black beans, which he wanted to mix together before eating. At dinner time when we're not looking, he'll start dumping his water into the cup compartment of his tray and adding pieces of food. He gravitates toward sand and water at playgrounds and discovery centers.
I remember being able to let Benjamin finger paint at this age, but Peter just mixes and eats the paint. So we're waiting a little longer before we try that again.
The best is when he empties our bathroom garbage into the toilet. Somehow, he's gotten away with that gross little habit several times this week!

Peter is getting very good at communicating with us these days. His words now include: Dada, Mama, Buggabuh (Benjamin), Tek uh (thank you), Uh oh, Bye bye, Nuh nuh (No no), Book, Park, Cup, Juice, Bath, Tah (hot), Puh (up), Pass (Pacifier), Buh buh (Button/Bubble), Duck, Dog, Cuck (truck), and Bus.

He also likes to make animal, truck and drum noises. His tiger growl is one of my favorites! He and Benjamin may look quite a bit alike, but Peter is most definitely growing into his own little person. We love him!


  1. Peter is adorable! Haha I love how mischievous he is. You, probably not so much.

    And I loved in the video clip that while he's saying all these adorable little words, Benjamin is somewhere in the background yelling something for a while :) - what a fun house of boys you have!

  2. So cute. I miss those yittle kids.

  3. "I need to take a drink. This talking business is tiring." :)

    Peter is stinkin' cute. I love the picture where he's got his hand in the drawer.

  4. What a cute boy! Those two really keep you busy, I am sure. Little boys can be so very demanding but wonderful at the same time. Thanks for sharing his growth with us all.

  5. I can't believe that Peter is 15 months old already! WIll just just 15 months old! I love that age, post year, pre-2. He is such a cutie!

  6. My goodness, he's growing up! We need to see him again, that's all there is to it. I loved his 'Da Da' the most - he was so enthusiastic! Miriam was our little drawer and cupboard unloader. But I don't remember ever having a mixer!
